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Sunday, June 28, 2020


Senses unto Honour 2

While in this world anything not Godly is Circular from the food you eat to the clothes you wear, even the things you hear, down to the schools we attend. Haven seen the avalanche of circular things we draw knowledge from and are involved with why then pick few and categorise them as bad, why not term circular Education as bad also cause it has same potency (even more in some cases) to facilitate evil.
so the Bible tells us we are in the world (to relate with it and gain mastery over it) but not of the world (Not of it's ways, not behaving like it, not letting it find expression in us, not letting it affect your stand in God.
Remember it is your choice to make not out of fear but out of your Love for God. 
(like Job you can make a covenant that even if it's abundantly advertised before you, you'll not partake in it rather you'll be in it and conquer it)
Admist the circular there are something's more than others you must consciously decide to stay away from because these things like I stated Earlier are not sin but can lead to sin (some in a greater measure than others)
Scripture gave us a formula to handle these things 
"Flee every appearance of Evil" saddling us with the responsibility to harken to our conscience and be sincere enough to ourselves and to God in other to make headway in God.
some of these circular things at first glance the appear evil flee from them
others may not appear evil at first glance (like knowledge or money) but pay attention to the heart factor at the moment it senses Evil, the moment your conscience triggers that Warning
be sincere enough to acknowledge it and flee (don't form hard guy/girl) 
For when you loose your virtue of sincerity you will have no anchor on a stormy night.
Evil often manifest on these three plains 
thoughts, words and actions
at whatever plain you discover it flee from it. The key is being true to yourself and God then you'll find help.
Also remember " while fleeing appearance of Evil always take refuge in God else while fleeing one evil you'll flee into another evil".

Saturday, June 27, 2020


Senses Unto Honour 1

Senses Unto Honour
Coined from vessels unto honour same is senses unto honour.
2 Timothy  2:20
 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.  2:21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.  2:22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
In my days I usually would say the Truth of God's word would be littered all over the world that everyone can lay hold on them willingly, not obliged by fear for "fear hath torment" but actually knowing the Truth and choosing to live therein then and only then would falsehood die a natural death. 
our above Scripture shows us those who purge themselves did so by an act of choice not tricked or threatened into living right, believe me all who are in such category actually have not been made perfect in love. "If you live right out of fear then you are far from being made perfect in love".
So I've met believers who live defensive Christian life's, trying not to sin for the fears of going to hell, managing Christianity rather than living it. A great majority of believers are on this table.
" Christianity is to be lived not managed,  those who manage it don't see the life in it".
while growing up I've heard so much from parents and leaders just to keep me in check 
perhaps you've heard some for yourself too.
stuffs like:
-Listening to a circular song is a sin.
-watching horror,R rated movies or action movies that depict violence are all sin.
If this be true then everyone is a sinner cause one way or another you may have listened to such songs unintentionally maybe walking by the street or while in the hair salon, one way or another you may have seen erotic images while surfing the internet or stumble on some rated R content does that make you a sinner?
cause I've learnt sin doesn't originate from the outside 
but from within those things without may contribute but sin starts within.
What I'm saying is Listening to that worldly Song is generally not a sin (except against personal instructions). but it can increase your inclinations to sin.
"what you see, hear, smell, taste or feel are not sin but they can facilitate sin, so this piece is not a license to watch all manner of things, hear all manner of songs, inhale all kinds of substance, taste all sorts of nonsense nor feel anything your evil inclinations Leeds you to.
to be continued...

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FAITH ;MARK 5,HEBREWS 11:11,IKINGS 17:21-24 ________________________ FAITH MEANS trust or confidence in someone or something.In ...