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Tuesday, October 13, 2020



;MARK 5,HEBREWS 11:11,IKINGS 17:21-24
FAITH MEANS trust or confidence in someone or something.In one sense,faith in Christianity is often discussed in terms of believing Gods promises,trusting in his faithfulness ho.h relying on Gods character and faithfulness to act.

Living faith is shown by service and obedienhhh uhhhhce to God.The expression"Just have faith it will work out" is used by people to encourage and comfort someone having or facing serious problems or stressful situations.

But what really is faith?Does it really work!?
Faith really does work! There are so many women of faith in the Bible and those outside who can testify to this!I myself testify that faith in God works!like magic.Though it may not be easy!see people like Hannah,Sarah,Abigail,Leah,Deborah,the shunammite woman!the woman with the issue of blood,the widow of zarephat,Elizabeth,Esther,Mary,Martha and mary.

I know you have heard of Sarah!She was Abraham's wife,it was recorded in Hebrews 11:11 " By faith Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was past the age because she judged him faithful who had promised.hallelujah!

What about Ruth,she was a Moabite woman who showed loyalty to her mother in Law Naomi and her God.Her character and faith in God  brought her many blessings including being listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ (mark 1:5).

Faith" the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen.Sarah was well beyond the child bearing age,yet she bore Isaac just as God has said.She judge God faithful in what he had promised

The widow of Zarephat!,her son had became very sick and died!Elijah cried to the Lord and the Lord revived the life of the child and the woman said "Now by this I know that you are a man of God and that the words of the Lord in your mouth is truth".(I kings 17:21-24)

Talking on the shunammite woman! who was unable to conceive but through Gods blessing she finally bore a son.when her son was young he had a sudden illness and died!. She laid him down where Elisha slept when he traveled through the area!When Elisha came back he saw the boy lying down on his bed,he shut the door,and prayed and told Gehazi to tell the shunammite woman to come pick her son.

*faith works,faith works,with faith you can move mountains.A woman of faith has a relationship with God.she believes in and understand who God is .He is our father,he wants us to have a close relationship with God.One way to accomplish that is by regular prayer.

*A woman of faith believes in Gods words.Gods word is active and very much alive!and they Give comfort and encouragement.It is important to read and meditate on what God says.They often knew what God had said and believed in his word!.

How do you respond to your fears!?Fear actually hinders you from the life you want to live! Don't let fear steal anything away from you.The word should be your shield and armor.God wants a good life for you.All the women of faith in the Bible were all special!!why?
Whether your name is known or unknown God still sees you. Choose to have faith on Gods word to you today! choose to rely on his words!Expect the impossible! God is able!more than able! Dare to trust God! The testimonies of people around you should encourage you.Keep confessing!

The woman with the issue of blood I believe was tired and worn out,imagine someone who lost blood for twelve( 12 )good years but the bible says and she kept saying to herself*if only I could touch the hem of his garment*She didn't feel like it,but she fought through the crowd.She kept the eight thoughts in her mind!there's nothing more powerful than your faith.When you have faith.when you believe or expect a change,you keep saying to yourself"I know the breakthrough is coming,I know the healing is on the way,I know the right person is in my future,I know that what God started he is going to finish*.Your faith can stop the creator of the universe!Live with expectancy that God is more than your problems!bigger than your oppositions!Don't be discouraged,Do not be passive.Reach out and touch him.Release your faith.

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FAITH ;MARK 5,HEBREWS 11:11,IKINGS 17:21-24 ________________________ FAITH MEANS trust or confidence in someone or something.In ...