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Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Church of Nigeria donates medical consumables to FG, food items to rural churches

As part of palliative measures to cushion the effect of the lockdown on members and clergy residing in the rural areas, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Henry C. Ndukuba has visited the churches in the rural areas, where he donated food items to them.

The Archbishop, who was accompanied by some of the Priests in the Diocese of Abuja visited parishes/deaneries in Gude, Kabusa, Kobi, Kpaduma, Katampe, Galuwyi, Guzape, Hulumi, Paipe, Dape, Guyidna, Zango, and Mpape and gave them bags of rice, beans, garri, guinea corn, maize, and tubers of yam.

Speaking shortly after the visit, the Primate described the visit as an opportunity to encourage members in those areas, pray with them, as well as share the love of Christ, not only with words, but also with food items. He said persons living in those areas would always remember the visit for good and feel encouraged that they had brethren who cared about their spiritual wellbeing, as well as their physical needs.

The clergymen serving in the areas described the church’s kind gesture as a demonstration of Christ’s love. They said many in the areas had looked forward to the Church in these trying times, to offer succour to the needy; and the fulfilment of this expectation was indeed a thing of joy.

A clergyman noted that the people were highly elated and thanked the church for coming to their aid at such a period like this. Another clergyman expressed joy that the Primate’s interaction with them, the word of God he shared with them and prayer, really encouraged them.

The Primate, who is also the Bishop of Abuja, had earlier directed Churches in the urban parts of the Diocese to store different food items to assist and cater for the needs of indigent parish members during the lockdown. He also urged the Anglican dioceses in Nigeria to endeavour to reach out to the needy with the love of Christ.

In addition to the palliatives provided by the Church across the nation, Ndukuba, last Monday, led a delegation of some bishops, clergy and laity to the Secretary of the Government of the Federation and Chairman of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, Boss Mustapha, on behalf of the Church, donated medical consumables worth ₦10m to support government in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

The Primate said the donation to identify with the health workers, who risk their lives daily at the frontline of the battle against the pandemic. He also used the opportunity to condole with the President and family of the late Chief of Staff to the President, Abba Kyari, who died of the COVID-19 complications few days earlier.

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