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Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Gift of Faults

Gift of Faults.
Seemingly contracting is the Topic, and I guess you're already wondering how a fault can be a Gift. something generally tagged as bad how can it be a Gift?
From the very beginning it is stated
 God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. before God could call out light and it was. it would be safe then to say the light was created for darkness and if not for darkness light would have no meaning.
Another aspect of this is when there's gross darkness the slightest glimpse of light is much appreciated and that's where the popular saying was coined from (The darker the clouds the brighter the stars) 
It is a dark room that needs light, I would be tagged mad and bundled to the hospital if I begin moving with flash lights on during broad daylight.
I went through this rigour to enable us understand just as light exist for darkness so also Grace exist for Faults/weakness.
2 Corinthians  12:7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.  12:8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.  12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

What qualify faults as gifts
like every other gift your faults can only profit you if you accept them. 
Not accepting or acknowledging your faults or weaknesses is saying you're OK with it and that way you can never find Grace. eventually that weakness will be your undoing.
The error is not that you're weak
but while you're weak how sincere are you to God and yourself
do you acknowledge that you're weak and cry for help or are you enjoying the temporal Comfort weakness brings.
Do fall and strive under God to rise 
or do you stay at that fallen state and say "that's just how I am" "it's my nature" 
perhaps yours is the inability to engage in spiritual exercise
do you seek the Holy Spirits intervention or do you idle way your productive years.
I remember when I gave my life to Christ initially I had serious problems fasting cause I liked food and that kept eating away my years of productivity there were these cookies my boss brings to my working place and I felt I couldn't miss that cookie for anything even my fast were countlessly cut short cause of cookies until one day I told myself the truth that I was weak and need Swift aid then I found Grace to fast days without food as it is now
So many keep leaving defensive Christian lives not knowing where the actual problem is because they fail to understand Faults are not tackled because they are found they are tackled when revealed.
IN the territories of babyhood I actually thought God calls us because of what we can do later I got to discover God actually called us because of that which we cannot do so He'll do it through us. 
God cannot use a Man strong in himself.
fortunate are you who are weak for then you qualify for God's strength if your cry is directed towards God.
Our diverse faults gives God leverage to a broad spectrum where He supplies us Grace for His glory.
(Solomon was a mighty good counselor because of experience through Faults.
David His father showed us it's possible for a man to fall but even more possible it is for a man to rise, Peter showed us same too)
Faults are also gifts cause of their uniqueness. 
everyone strengthening breathren from where he/she has found Grace
now that is a mighty strong Church👆
Let me conclude by saying God loves the condition of a weary soul if only that soul acknowledges It's weariness and channels it's cry to God.

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