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Monday, April 20, 2020



A depth in the mind where one wanders off into, almost confused, sapping time and mental space yielding nothing or worst intoxicating one's mind with inclinations of the fallen nature. 

Jeremiah  6:16  Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

Some have tried over and over again to have their minds zeroed in on God but instead their minds wander away a little into their attempts. I.E when one wants to pray that's when you remember that guy that offended u.
When you're to study you Suddenly remember the secret ingredient to that wonderful cake.

See the moment a situation posses itself that captivates your mind (BTW situations like that will present themselves as long as we are still mortals) just know that at that moment the bus to Wanderland has stopped by you it's then up to you to decide whether or not you're taking the trip down Wanderland.

Effects of Wandering into Wanderland

1. Diminishes your ability to meditate.
We use our mind in mediation (see Wanderland and mediation) thus if the mind be touring Wanderland none of it will be left to meditate with.

2. Takes up valuable time (for prayers , study etc.) One will just notice a severe lack of concentration with one's mind Wandering to all manner of things during prayer or any other thing.

3. Strengthens flesh.
The mind aids/adds strength to whichever direction it is exercised in, having that venturing into Wanderland is unchecked by the Spirit it will naturally aid/strengthen the flesh.

4. Disrupts revelations
Revelations are received by our Spirits and comprehended at mind level, in a corrupt mind hijacking or contaminating such revelations won't be a problem to Satan.

5. Creates more platforms for dominance of sin nature. 
What a man thinks thus He becomes. 
Pondering over sinful thoughts gives sin more ground to flood you.

Why People stumble into Wanderland?
1. Fear/Anxiety
2. Anger/hurt/pain
3. Lust

Wanderland & Mediation
Mediation is calming hour mind to asses a particular spiritual or religious matter.
Christian Mediation is simply accessing the spiritual realm with your mind having the Holy Spirit as a guide.
Mediation is not necessarily a Christian terminology for many religions practice meditation.
The difference is we have Him who designed the realm as our guide.

While in Wanderland your mind is boss of all three (spirit, soul and body) and it wanders as it pleases especially to what it's been fed with most often.

Key to staying off Wanderland
Walking in the Spirit

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