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Sunday, May 10, 2020



If we pay serious attention to Him you'll discover That God Has Something To Say,
The only problem is we've not been attentive sufficiently.
Admist life on this plain of existence, admist the runnings too and fro just to make ends meet ensuring life keeps moving, little to no time is spent by Christians in knowing what God has to say.
we often times forget that all we need or will ever need partianing life and Godliness has been provided for by God, our mechanisms for accessing them are captured all in God's word in other words they are captured in what God Has To Say).
This ignorance has made many, unfortunately even Gospel ministers scouring for that which satisfy not when the actual thing we should be doing is seeking for what God is saying collectively as well as personally.
If only you would stop all the trail and error, stop the work with no results then look up to God in prayer you'll then discover That God Has Something To Say concerning everything about you and He wants you to know those things He's saying, for it is the working of what He has said that guarantees greatness.
Bow your head now and ask God to help you always to seek His counsel every time concerning everything.

"Knowledge and understanding are good wisdom is better but the best of all is that you're marvelously helped of God"


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