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Wednesday, May 13, 2020



Jeremiah 29:11
God’s plans are his set of intentions towards us the Bible says they’re of good not of evil to bring us to an expected end.
Any building to be built strong, firm and lasting must have a good plan, Through the wondrous work of creation God has proved to be the master planner having none of His plans ever falter.
Concerning you is a plan that won’t falter a plan that has but one result: Expected End (An end with fulfillment and Greatness).
The requirement to access God’s plan is that you simply stand at the cross road and ask for the good path then walk therein, the only problem is many have decided not to walk therein preferring rather to do guess work in the matter of destiny not knowing expected End is only captured in God’s plan.
I’d like to say everyone was born to be great but very few get that close because largely instead of seeking God’s plan we rather try and keep failing. (The technology of seeking God is no longer popular)
One joyful thing about God’s plan is it is never too early nor too late to walk in it, perhaps you’re thinking of all the lost years you’ve accumulated through guess work(trial and error) and perhaps you’re wondering how you’ll still arrive at Expected End with such a trail of looses, let me  inform you citing this Example:
A GPS device can give directions to a destination you’ve  never been to and just in case you wander off or you stay off the prescribed route the GPS gives you and you finally decide to embark on your destination the GPS will calculate a fresh route for you to yet still reach your destination from where you are currently not where you left off.
In our case God is like the GPS device ensuring that you never miss your destination
So long as you look to Him he’ll make adequate arrangements for you to reach Destiny.

Your destination in this case is Expected End (God’s plan for every man born).

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