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Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Lose Yourself

Lose yourself

Take up your Cross and Follow
Mark  8:34 And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
if anyone would after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
                                               Jesus (NIV)
There are certain things that comprise and make you the person you currently are, things like your Environment, Privileges, Life experiences, exposure, association, believe system etc.
These things, even more greatly affect and make you who you are on the earth realm. Switch it up to the dimension of the spirit, God's kingdom precisely then you'll find out that those things that matter allot in the physical have no weight in God's kingdom unless they are in line with God's plan. 
who you are in God's kingdom is not determined by your physical Environment, whether you were born in one slump in Sokoto or you you reside on Victoria island with a mansion for a house is not a factor in that kingdom,
Whether you have a PhD in all science courses or you're an unschooled fisherman from the riverine area of Kaduna state doesn't count in God's kingdom, 
what then matters in God's kingdom?
what then is a factor in that kingdom?
what then counts in God's kingdom?
I'll tell you: what counts,matters and is a factor
it is that you are in God's will (line, purpose, plan) by the enablement of the Holy Spirit you're following as outlined (Authored and finished) by Jesus,
In order to do that Today Jesus counsels us to deny ourselves, deny our environment, our backgrounds and their limitations, like Moses deny Privileges to be who God says we'll be, deny those experiences that make us look at life in a certain kind of way and so the self denial continues 
now that's all, for after denying ourselves we must then sentence ourselves to life by the cross which speaks death to anything contrary to God's plan for you.
this is the root of Apostle Paul's word's "I die to myself daily".
(A man subjected to a life of the cross has no ties with this world, everything he has or pursues he does in the spirit)
Only then will we be alive in God's kingdom.

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