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Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Dressing 2

Dressing 2

Second hard and fast rule
Don't dress Suggestively
Suggestive in the sense that you dress to say something or to give Man a certain impression.
Dressing was initiated to cover Man's nakedness but nowadays people Dress just to prove a point, some Dress to show they're of a certain Class, others Dress to compete with others, to show they've arrived, some others now Dress consciously decent but with the intention that someone will see them and think of them as spiritual, I've even heard a lady say she wants to Dress to kill.
The question now is why do you Dress the way you do?
Having in view Dressing well, good and nice to God's glory is good appearing nice is good with no ulterior motive.
So while you're busy aligning that hairstyle so that everyone would notice you ask yourself does Heaven notice me?
while you are buying the diamond earrings and Golden watches so people will acknowledge you've attained financial affluence remember you are not  here to please anyone but to please God your commanding officer. 
2 Timothy  2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  2:4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
Still to be continued...

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You keeping us on suspense sir. .
Its well

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Perfect explanation, perfect Revelation. God bless you sir

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