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Monday, July 27, 2020



I tag forgiveness as the true joy of living!.We gonna look into the story of the prodigal son,the greatest forgiveness parable of all which is from Luke 15:11-32.The bible made us understand here that the second son demanded for his share of property and it was given him, he went out of the country and spent the whole money.he was then left with nothing.He started taking care of pigs to earn a living but one day a thought came to him.The bible says"at last he came back to his senses and said,all my fathers hired workers have more than they can eat,and here i am about to starve,i will get up and go to my father and say,i have sinned against God and you,i am no longer fit to be your son"after thinking all these the bible says that he got up and started back to his father and we all know how it all ended,The bible says that while he was long way from home when his father saw him note,first his heart was filled with pity,then ran to wrap his arm around him and kissed him!.One thing i understand from this scripture is that it takes humility to forgive.We have to humble ourselves to forgive!Right?!!!

But What is Forgiveness?
 It is the act of letting go,the act of pardoning an offender! Forgiveness is not an emotion oh...naa...dont get it mixed up.Forgiveness is a conscious deliberate decision to let go of that incident that caused you pain.Come to think of it...the pain and hurt that people cause us is real and great..very real...ahh but the pain and trauma of living with bitterness and unforgiveness can be poisonous...infact it is poisonous! Hope ya hearing me😀.not forgiving can destroy your soul!!and i dont think you want to take the matter of your soul for a joke..haha! When we forgive we are not actually saying that the people that caused the pian are right instead we are releasing them to God and letting go of its holf on us.We are doing ourselve favour when we forgive.Right?!!hmmm

Another scripture i want to point out is matt 18:21-35 the parable of the unforgiving servant.Please permit me to say that unforgiveness causes a lot of damage.The fact that God forgave/forgives our transgressionss no matter what should be the force pushing us toward having a forgiving heart.I understand forgiveness is not forgetting...its a decision to let go.God forgave you so reciprocate this act of showing mercy and love by forgiving others.We were given full forgiveness of our sins  because of the death and resurrection of Christ.To show that you are gratefull to God for all the price paid....RecipRocate.From Luke17:3-4,forgiving is a command and it must be obeyed.Theres a reward for obedience and also a consequence for disobeying! A command is meant to be obeyed no matter the inconvience.
How can we forgive
-Remember what forgiveness involves.Like i said before we are not condoning the wrong or acting like it never happened .We are simply letting go.
-Recognizing the benefits of forgiving.Forgiving and letting go of resentment can help in increasing your health and gives you peace of mind.proverb 14:30,Matt 5:9.Forgiving others is the key to receiving Gods forgiveness which is more important
-Recognize that people are not perfect.we have our imperfections.James 3:2
-Be reasonable and tolerating.Dont just act.Continue putting up with one another Colossians 3:13
-Forgive as soon as you can.Eph4:26,27When life hits us hard,there is nothing as effective as forgiveness for healing deep wounds.Forgiveness is extending mercy and goodness to people.YOU CAN BECOME FORGIVINGLY FIT😀...only by consciously deliberately consistently practicing forgiveness.Have a forgiving heart.it helps you be on a right track with God.Understand that every person is unique,special and irreplaceable.
   When forgiveness is hard,call on other strenghts.If you see yourself struggling with forgiveness call upon people who are wise to help and support.

Yours truly

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