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Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Obedience one(1)

"The best kind of sacrifice is a sacrifice of Obedience". 
1Samuel 15:12-23
Dictionary defines Obedience as willingness to comply with the commands, orders, or instructions of those in Authority.
To us who have been separated from the world ultimately we comply to God and our Obedience is solely to Him who is our commanding officer 
2 Timothy  2:4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
* One great reason as to why we fail to obey God often times is because we are too entangled with this world, having lascivious appetites running our life's  barely having strength to keep up with God. So deeply caught/cut by the web of this world so much so that even when our Spirit is willing the flesh is too weak to fight these entanglements and stand with God.
Some common Civilian activities we are so deeply entangled with are:- sleep, food(gluttony), watching movies, Games, football, fashion, social media to mention just few (Father deliver us in Jesus name) Now these things grip us and choke God out of our life's. 
To be continued subsequently... 

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FAITH ;MARK 5,HEBREWS 11:11,IKINGS 17:21-24 ________________________ FAITH MEANS trust or confidence in someone or something.In ...