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Thursday, July 30, 2020


Obedience Two (2)

Obedience series 2
Second Reason why we fail to obey I like to talk about is
Love John 14:15
“Our inability to obey God’s word is proving we don’t Love Him enough”.
1John 2:15 says
Love not the world or the thing in the world, if anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him.
Jesus in the Gospels talked about two commands that sum up all the Laws and the Prophets which both emphasized the matter of Love.
Perhaps your Love for has sank deep as it should and that’s why God is yet to secure your commitment to obey Him.
“The more love you have for God the lesser entanglements you’ll have with the world”.
The final reason I’d talk about in this piece is a bit complicated. Captured in Romans 7:14-20
Long reading so I’d paraphrase
Paul speaking said that which he doesn’t want to do he finds himself doing, reason being the sin that dwelleth inside him.
“When you do something consistently over a period of time spirits are deployed to aid you with straight to continue, if that thing is consistent with God a spirit from God is deployed, if it is consistent with evil an evil spirit is deployed. Sometimes you don’t even need to be consistent to receive spirit aid at times all it takes is on attempt, Paul is saying he wants to obey God but by certain compulsions he finds himself doing contrary. For some genuinely you want to obey, genuinely you want a walk with God but by some certain compulsion you find yourself doing contrary.
Romans  8:10 
And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.  8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
This shows us our bodies are already dead given to sin yielding to it and its ways leading to death, if we must be alive in God we must yield to the Spirit. The spirit that raised Jesus from the dead can quicken us to live up the life in the spirit which includes apt obedience to God.
Romans 8:13 Establishes this better “Ye shall die if ye live after flesh, but through the spirit you mortify the works of the body”, not necessarily sin but all those things that are enmity to your progression in God like I earlier stated it still could be sin for some, for others it be good old sleep or lasciviousness etc.
“God is supreme but not a dictator, our ability to willingly obey Him is our seal of Greatness”

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Thanks for this.
This series came in another awesome dimension

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