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Saturday, July 18, 2020


PRAYER: Hallowed Be Thy Name


The Name's of God are the richest form of testimony and revelation of whom God is, Remember the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy 

To hallow is to reverence to follow with Holy fear and Jealousy
So one can look intently at the Names of God Hallowing them that one can uncover the dimensions of God they carry, Yes one can Hallow Jehovah Ralpha and then experience God as Healer.
Apostle Joshua Selma would say "It is the responsibility of every Generation to work in the dimensions of God already captured before then in His names, it is also their responsibility to find and establish new names of God during their life times.
I hold the position of Prayer coordinator in a small fellowship where I serve in Kaduna state, well first Mondays of every month are dedicated to prayers, being prayer coordinator that's my jurisdiction. one faithful first Monday sometime 2019 I was at work when God told me to be at our meeting ground by 5pm and pray preparing the ground for the prayers that is to start proper by 6pm our ideal time.
well it so happened that I couldn't wiggle my way out of work until about 20 mins past 5 PM  twas terrible, I was sober and I scrambled just meet up with the ideal time for the meeting
on my way I said a simple word of prayer " Lord help me be there on time" something like that 
I got to our meeting ground and no one was around beautiful so I began praying, I prayed for about 30mins but yet, still no one came by my deduction time should be way past 6pm by now so I picked the same device I used to check time earlier and the time read 5:10 PM or so 
I know my testimony is hard to swallow but that day I discovered God with a new: Jehovah Tempus (Se'ason) God of all times.
And this happened more times in my walk with God.

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