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Sunday, August 2, 2020



And so recently I have noticed how we are gradually deviating from God's actual plan and purpose for us on Earth.
Because you are good at something doesn't mean that it is God's place for you,it's just an addition to your abilities in carrying out his work.

I noticed people this days rush into writing a book simply because they've gotten many good comments, God's actual purpose might be for your writing hands to change lives,so in the process of writing,one begins to write things that will catch people's attention and please their heart.
We Ought to please God rather than men

You can be a teacher and yet a great farmer,this doesn't mean since there is bountiful harvest which when sold yields much profit,you can now leave God's actual purpose of being a teacher.

Some of us would rather want to do things where we will be well noticed and known,where we get instant rewards and can mingle with others rather than hiding somewhere in a village as a missionary.

Many people are actually not satisfied with the position God has placed them,they feel things are moving too slow and are not working as they ought to based on their desire. So in search for a better offer,they switch to something else they feel they can do and without God, the end result will be bad.

wow! This seems so funny but interesting. Infact,it's a disease. When one is lacks knowledge of what God has in store for them,they keep running about,infact they will keep doing good,yet there won't be any profit or fruit to show forth. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord,plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future. We need to dig into the word of God and be aware of His plans for us.

As Christians, we carry the grace of multi tasking,it's a gift from God. Philippians 4:13 For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So don't be surprised when you see yourself performing excellently in many areas.

Looking into the life of David, He was Shepherd, A Fighter, A king and yet was tagged Chief Musician.
His Music Life didn't stop Him from carrying out His purpose on Earth ordained by God.

So we should be careful how we tend to run after things simply because we feel and think we can do them. They might not be God's actual place for us.
It will therefore be so bad to those who say there's nothing I can do while in the actual sense we are embedded with the Ability to multi function .
Our abilities to perform well in many ways are bonuses to us.

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Wow this piece is wonderful ♥️

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