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Tuesday, August 4, 2020



Diligence is the desire and determination to do a task well without regard to discouragement (irrespective of having failed previously)
Irrespective of the closeness and relationship we think we have with God,when we are not diligent in the work laid in our hands,we will fail God and eventually lack.
Our ability to carry out the work He has assigned us effectively till it becomes a success is what attracts God's blessings and great rewards
Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
Also, Proverbs 6:6-11 is asking the undiligent to go to the ant and learn.
Imagine how slothful one would have become and then be asked to consider the ways of the ant. The ant works without even being compelled to, gathering food for themselves and building their homes.
Vs 9,10 Can we say we are working yet, sleeping a while and slumbering.... When we do this, poverty and lack definitely creep in.
Another story I'll like us to consider is the parable of  talents in Mathew 25:14-30. Out of the three, two were able to work on that which was given to them and they made profits. The third fellow thought there was nothing he could do,he had no determination nor made effort to work on that which was given to him. And at the end, he was left with nothing.
One good thing about being diligent is that the end result is always prosperity and abundance.
Proverbs 10:4 He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
The Ants eventually got what to eat always and won't die of hunger.

The Faithful servants got rewards for carrying out their work well.
Mind you,they had challenges,even while carrying out their various tasks, but these challenges were not remembered because their determination,unslothful attitude and neglect to discouragement made them successful in what they did.
Permit me to ask you, How deligent are you? Especially in the Work of the father. How determined/Focused are you to do the work of the master well?
Or you're still on Yet A little sleep, a little slumber....a little folding of arms together.

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FAITH ;MARK 5,HEBREWS 11:11,IKINGS 17:21-24 ________________________ FAITH MEANS trust or confidence in someone or something.In ...