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Saturday, August 29, 2020


Hosting God's presence 1


God's presence is His state of being within sight or call. His presence is where he is.
There is this difference between God's omnipresence(Him being everywhere) and God's presence (Him being right Here).

Though God is everywhere, there are times God reveals himself in special ways just like in the book of Genesis 28:16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep and he said,surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not.
Adam and Eve felt God's presence as soon as they sinned against God. Genesis 3:8. God was within their reach,he made Himself available and that is why His presence was felt.

The Bible says,in His presence (God's presence) there is fullnes of Joy. This means we can decide to go anywhere and still find no joy,does that means God isn't there,of course He is. But until He has made Himself Available at that particular place/time,that is when we derive the Joy.

Psalm 100:2 Serve the Lord with gladness and come before His presence with singing.
It is only a place guaranteed of Joy and gladness that will require you to come there with singing. This is a prove of Joy in God's presence.

God's presence is also a place of safety, when God is with us,we have nothing to fear or worry about, everything around submit totally to  Him. A place of safety is where one would always desire to be,that is His presence.

There are also times we call for God's presence,when we desire to feel Him, we worship Him in total humility and in spirit John 4:24.This activates His presence. 
Doing this constantly makes our communication and relationship with him deeper.
In His presence in where we belong

Talking about hosting the presence of God,Jesus chose to live as a human being with two qualifications-without sin and empowered by the holy spirit Of God!It is a necessity that believers learn to host God's presence!in order to fulfill Gods great commission and our individual purposes and calling!.The great commission which is the general purpose and our individual purposes can't play out without the presence of God.
  When you read through your bible you would see and get to know that the miracles signs and wonders performed by Jesus were done as a man submitted to God.Jesus hosted the presence of God through submission.he was submitted to the authority of yaweh,.We are all tasked to heal the sick and cast out demons. No matter what.the presence of God is needed for you to operate in all that God have made available for you!You need the presence,i need the presence.we all do. 
If you could go through your bible you woukd see so many places that jesus hosted the presence of God!Example;The woman with the issue of blood .Everyone in the crowd were pressing in but he was able to feel the spirit moving to touch the woman.Jesus hosted the presence here.With just a touch of his garment there was healling.mmmmmm

Another example is Peter.he also hosted the presence of God.Going to the temple was his routine!!!.words spread that Peters shadow healed the sick.this is hosting the Presence of God.Can we get to a point or level where our presence become portal for people to connect to God.peter was overshadowed by the presence of God."Your shadow will always release whatever overshadows you".The spirit of God is in every believer but he does not rest on every believer.To make it simple!the holy spirit is in me for my sake and rests upon me for your sake and for the sake of those around me.It is always a great privillege to host God and allow him to change our environment.Listening to pastor Bill Johnson he said there are people that are atmospheric.these people change the atmosphere around them.If you see yourself living in the dark you need to arise and shine just as christ had commanded

#Uniqueness × Lemiel

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