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Saturday, August 1, 2020



Many Christians have reached a point emotionally where they feel as though they have been stripped of their armour. They have been beaten to pulp. They have been chained and are being dragged behind the devil's chariot as his spoils of war.
We should experience the Truth of being "more than conquerors"
Romans  8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
The Great power and Authority we see in the life of Jesus is the same we've been given. He gave us the Keys of the Kingdom. 
If we understand that we abide in Him which also means we abide in His power Authority and finished work. Then our striving would be different. We are not striving for victory, we are striving from Victory. ~Jonathan welton

Our ability to establish, enforce and maintain Christ's victory is depending on the fact that we obey Him that way aligning ourselves to His plans and purposes.
"kingdom greatness is God doing something through you". This is only possible if you align yourself to His will.
" Did you know that although believers are in the chariot with Jesus some converse more with the devil obeying him more".
He lies to them and they believe, that's why many are afflicted today though they be Christians.

Disobedience has caused that over the years walking with God is no longer popular.
Note this it's either you're obeying God or you're heeding to satan's voice.
The sole aim of God lifting men is to propagate His kingdom advancement Agenda.
The sole aim of satan's lies is that we eventually loose our place in God and end up with him.
There's a point of disobedience where you loose your ability to believe God's saving grace which is our seal of Salvation, this point for one may be just from one disobedience and for another tons of disobedience the point is you should know one can disobey to the point where you loose your ability to believe in the grace that brings Salvation(may we never get there).
Obeying God is a matter of utmost importance the effects of your disobedience may not be too visible initially but don't tarry there pls for the more you do the more likely hood of God's voice diminishing over you, the further away you are from achieving greatness, the more you disobey the more clearer satan's voice (words) will be to you, and the more prone you are to obey fulfilling satan's mandate.
God help me Obey.

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