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Friday, September 18, 2020


Fruit Of The Spirit

Galatians  5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,  5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Note the Scripture said the fruit (singular) of the Spirit is Love.
Love is not just a fruit of the Spirit Rather it is the fruit of the Spirit.
Every other fruit is a product of Love.
When the thing called love is in place all other fruits Follow suit.

Matthew  22:37  
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.   Matthew  22:39  
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Love for God and Love for our fellow men are what Jesus stated as the two greatest commandments.
Love for God and Love for our fellow men are what Jesus stated as the two greatest commandments.
You can only love others to the extent in which you love yourself.
And you can only love yourself right when you see yourself through God's eyes.

Through Love

and so much more

I was going through some of my WhatsApp message I saw that actually the balance missing is the love of God.
Allot of the excesses we see in the Body of Christ is due to the lack of love.
The love of God I discovered preaches liberty but yet still it is that love that constrains us ensuring that we don't misuse that liberty.
Take for example a young lady now basking in the liberty in Christ and dressing anyhow she likes I can tell the love of God has not fully expressed in her cause if it did she'll CONSIDER THAT THERE ARE WEAK BROTHERS around some even still BATTLING LUST and for their sake refrain from some kinds of dressing.
Here's another example let's take Oga Apostle or Dr Badguy that has the anointing for Hugging ladies should also refrain from it if by any means it makes another believer uncomfortable (provided it doesn't alter your personal devotions to God).

Lemme still drop this for balance sake NEVER LOOSE YOUR VIRTUE OF SINCERITY believe me or not it is one of the things that secures us in God 
There's this scripture that says "flee every appearance of evil"
Be sincere enough to tell yourself the Truth.
You know when the transition occurs from that innocent look to a malicious stare consciously flee from it.
You know when that innocent hug is stirring something flee from it.
You know when legitimate chatting is tilting to the freeky end please flee from it. and lots more
There's always a witness don't ignore Him.
It doesn't have to be outright evil for you to flee I always tell my disciples by the time it is outright evil to you it may be too late, the evil would have caught up with you then, so while it still appears as evil flee don't wait to find out.
Lastly I want to use God and beg us young people.
Love widely, don't segregate while loving don't discriminate just Love.
And concerning romantic Love 😏😏😏
I have a Scripture for you
Song of Solomon  3:5  I charge you, O ye daughters(and sons all these Apostles) of Jerusalem(God), by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please(The original word here means till it is It's appointed time).
Pls Don't awaken that kind of Love until it's time.
Lemme draw from the Bank of experience if you venture to awaken Love before it's time twill end in tears I did once and lost the grounds for a relationship that would have been a backbone to my life and ministry.
Very few are privileged to awaken Love(romantic) before it's time and scale through and those few do so by express mercy of God.
!!!! Do well to drop a comment alright!!!

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