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Monday, September 7, 2020


REST: Value Of One's self

MATTHEW :34-40
In the passage Jesus said we should love our neighbor as ourselves.This is a command.but I have also been made to understand that it is also an observation!The way you love is your is the same measure of love you give to others.You need to start learning how to love yourself.Stop being hard on yourself!.If you love yourself you would value yourself.Love the person you are.Starting seeing yourself through the lens of christ.

We are in the world where the social media has put a lot of pressure on people to look "PERFECT"TO BE PERFECT"TO the extent of some persons taking pills to enlarge their back side and to enlarge their boobs which have led to the death of so many souls!.this as a result of lack of self value....which is in its simplicity said to be low self esteem!
You can only have true value for yourself through the knowledge of who you are in Christ.Your true worth is in Christ.it is not in opinions of people around you about you!

When you know who and whose you are ,when you know that he came and died for you,redeemed you,bought you with a price and now you are connected with him.you begin to feel confident and value in yourself and start to look at yourself through the eyes of christ.and tell yourself;Through christ I am beautifully and wonderfully made,through christ i am the head and not the tail,through Christ I can do all things,through Christ I am royalty,a peculiar people!.Spend time with God ,give him your everything,your time,your looks,how you think of yourself...lay everything down.He knew you before you were born,he knitted you together in your mams womb,hes intentional about you!psalms 139;13-14.you are of more value than many sparrows Luke 12;6-7.

REST!! REST FROM THE PRESSURES EVERYWHERE!.Value yourself and by so doing you would help people in finding and knowing their worth also!instead of being ignorant!let go of your insecurities.Tell yourself;am more than enough,I am good enough!.I.know when you don't feel like you are good enough its easy to want to blend in by bringing attention to yourself.

But God commands you to be courageous and strong!not in your abilities and strengths but because he (God)got your back.God created you the way you are on purpose.You are not a mistake. RESt YOU MATTER ALOT! Treat yourself the same way you treat others.the same love and respect you give to others please give to yourself!!! These are things we tell ourselveson the inside like am not good enough,am too short,am too tall,am too dark,am too fair etc!! .You have Not lost your value.Imagine a thousand note being stepped upon,trashed,torn apart!!! It can still be picked up and cleaned up and it worth/value remain the same!it would still buy what a thousand naira note can buy!because a value has been placed on it since its creation.why do you think you have lost your value because you feel you have been talked about,stepped upon,broken abused,pushed aside,abandoned etc!

You were created and here for a purpose,you have a life you have value.I know you are experiencing Some depressions and might want to commit suicide or give up .I am here to tell you that you are still of great worth and value and there's nothing that can take that away from you.pick up yourself and keep moving.There are lives waiting for you to rise
"For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb.  I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well."
Psalms 139:13‭-‬14 AMP

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