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Tuesday, October 13, 2020


A Blessing Not a Curse

A blessing Not a Curse
Many of us do not know who we are in Christ
God has embedded so much in us that wherever we go, we carry His presence along with us.
We find ourselves in places,like our place of work and suddenly a matter arises and the whole company is disorganized and we begin to shiver and wonder about,we've forgotten what is in us,we even forget to stand our ground on God's promises over us.
I read of a story of a young lady who said her classmates ganged up against her after their examination saying her refusal to cheat in the exam Hall had affected them and that they might fail the examination since they felt her attitude made the invigilators strict to everyone else. 
Infact she said, they rained curses on her and at some point she was afraid,but God through a friend ministered to her heart using the Bible verse, 
Proverbs 26:2
As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
She said she held unto these words and at the end she recorded no failure all through her academic journey.

Some of us bear GRACE, MERCY, GOODNESS and many others yet when situations turn around with challenges we wouldn't even remember to confess the blessings that our names represent in us.
Haven't you heard!? Of people who share testimonies saying because of me,all through my stay in that land everything changed for good.
What a blessing!
The name Jesus means saviour of the world. And everywhere He steps into, people were saved. Wherever his name is being mentioned,there's always salvation. He was a blessing!
A name attract blessing.
And so when we find ourselves in situations or places and we realize how things aren't working fine, then we should recall that we ought to be a blessing and not a problem, proclaiming and activating God's promises over us.
For greater is He that is in us than situations, surroundings,earthly protocols for We are blessings.
Our names aren't just for fashion,nor recognition,nor for identity alone,it represents us, therefore we must carry what we represent
We must bear,actualize and live in what we are called.
Remember that it's only clean hands free from sin that can activate these blessings,you cannot involve in the activities of the world and expect to enjoy God's blessings.
What is your name?
Are you a blessing......


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