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Saturday, August 29, 2020


Hosting God's presence 1


God's presence is His state of being within sight or call. His presence is where he is.
There is this difference between God's omnipresence(Him being everywhere) and God's presence (Him being right Here).

Though God is everywhere, there are times God reveals himself in special ways just like in the book of Genesis 28:16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep and he said,surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not.
Adam and Eve felt God's presence as soon as they sinned against God. Genesis 3:8. God was within their reach,he made Himself available and that is why His presence was felt.

The Bible says,in His presence (God's presence) there is fullnes of Joy. This means we can decide to go anywhere and still find no joy,does that means God isn't there,of course He is. But until He has made Himself Available at that particular place/time,that is when we derive the Joy.

Psalm 100:2 Serve the Lord with gladness and come before His presence with singing.
It is only a place guaranteed of Joy and gladness that will require you to come there with singing. This is a prove of Joy in God's presence.

God's presence is also a place of safety, when God is with us,we have nothing to fear or worry about, everything around submit totally to  Him. A place of safety is where one would always desire to be,that is His presence.

There are also times we call for God's presence,when we desire to feel Him, we worship Him in total humility and in spirit John 4:24.This activates His presence. 
Doing this constantly makes our communication and relationship with him deeper.
In His presence in where we belong

Talking about hosting the presence of God,Jesus chose to live as a human being with two qualifications-without sin and empowered by the holy spirit Of God!It is a necessity that believers learn to host God's presence!in order to fulfill Gods great commission and our individual purposes and calling!.The great commission which is the general purpose and our individual purposes can't play out without the presence of God.
  When you read through your bible you would see and get to know that the miracles signs and wonders performed by Jesus were done as a man submitted to God.Jesus hosted the presence of God through submission.he was submitted to the authority of yaweh,.We are all tasked to heal the sick and cast out demons. No matter what.the presence of God is needed for you to operate in all that God have made available for you!You need the presence,i need the presence.we all do. 
If you could go through your bible you woukd see so many places that jesus hosted the presence of God!Example;The woman with the issue of blood .Everyone in the crowd were pressing in but he was able to feel the spirit moving to touch the woman.Jesus hosted the presence here.With just a touch of his garment there was healling.mmmmmm

Another example is Peter.he also hosted the presence of God.Going to the temple was his routine!!!.words spread that Peters shadow healed the sick.this is hosting the Presence of God.Can we get to a point or level where our presence become portal for people to connect to God.peter was overshadowed by the presence of God."Your shadow will always release whatever overshadows you".The spirit of God is in every believer but he does not rest on every believer.To make it simple!the holy spirit is in me for my sake and rests upon me for your sake and for the sake of those around me.It is always a great privillege to host God and allow him to change our environment.Listening to pastor Bill Johnson he said there are people that are atmospheric.these people change the atmosphere around them.If you see yourself living in the dark you need to arise and shine just as christ had commanded

#Uniqueness × Lemiel

Thursday, August 20, 2020


Hosting The Presence Of God 2

 Hosting The Presence Of God

"IN A REAL SENSE WE DON'T HOST GOD'S PRESENCE BUT GOD HOST'S US IN HIS PRESENCE" And what we call Hosting the presence is us becoming an extension of the presence" 
Psalms  91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
"It's The Secret Place Of The Most High Not Yours, But You Keep Calling The Shots That's Why You've Been Missing God"
Our idea of Hosting God most times circles around we working to qualify for God's Presence when actually the fullness of  God has been Given to us we are already qualified.
The presence and resides in us we on the other hand are advancing from the presence letting it saturate us, influencing every atom and molecule of our body then we in that progression become an extension of the Presence.
You know allot of time we can be too loud, active, and miss God other times we could be calm, quiet comfortable and still miss God, we must find that balance in life that keeps us perpetually in God's presence. that balance is the Holy Spirit.

Lets discuss two out of many things to do to be an extension of God's presence.
1. Be consistent in your Approach towards. Leviticus 612-13
If we must become extensions of God's presence 
we must keep coming and coming continually to Him so that He Keeps rubbing off on us, that everything that makes us the people we are would fade away and all that'd be left is God.
God is looking for a committed relationship.
2. Be deliberate in your Approach towards God.
Don't just haphazardly waltz into God's presence be cautious of God's transformation power knowing what you become being in the presence.
Hebrews  11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Also have a definite expectation at heart for it is the expectations of the righteous that won't be cut short, without an expectation you're already short.

Others things are
3. Be attentive in your Approach towards God.
4. Be Humble in your Approach towards God.
5. Be careful in your Approach towards God.
Even many more

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Diligence 2


There are two Wonderful Scriptures that do come to my mind when the matter of diligence is raised.
 first is.

Ecclesiastes  9:10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.


Your diligence shows just how much you value your work and it is only when you value and appreciate your work that other can cordially follow suit.

Scriptures buttress this is
Proverbs  22:29  Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.


There no work after death.
The only opportunity man has at work is while he yet walks this earth , it be best you gather your all to give every work your best shot and make it worthwhile.

And the second Scripture is 
Colossians  3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;  
3:24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Do it as unto the lord and not men.

For “if you do things unto men you will never get things done” 

in a nut shell you cannot please men. One thing is Constant with man and that’s change which is the main reason man can’t be pleased what is trending yesterday can be null by tomorrow.
Those who cheer you today will seer you tomorrow , if you keep trying to please man you’ll keep changing your principles , precept and so , not God through His preference are more or less written in stone located in His word which is settled forever  in Heaven.
Do it unto the lord from a settled purpose of His word, not to please man but to Honour Him who is your commanding officer.  

Sunday, August 16, 2020



Things are not always as they appear,most times we make quick assumptions about people,situations, and circumstances.Do not be quick to judge,you'll never know when you would find yourself in someone elses shoes .Sometimes when things around us change,we change the way We treat people.that is not right at all.we usually change toward people who have been there through thick and thin for us.When we get money,came,popularity etc we may begin to have different perception about things.this means we would start seeing things differently.
There is something we call "Emotional blindness"this emotional blindness is caused by hurts,pains...which causes us to judge and treat people  badly...especially those that always loved us.
Hehehe!!! If you check my other posts...I talked little on when I had low self esteem!! At this period I would do anything to get peoples praises and applaud!!! Because of the hurts and the griefs in me I would always look at the faults in people and judge!! I would always look that bad side of people especially those around me...which was very bad.And At that period I was confused on who really had the real love for me .I only had few persons!!.And one thing I have learned from this is that communication is very important....if you don't know why this sister that's close to you got pregnant why not ask and knoww the reason before you point your finger!!! Do you know whether the pregnancy was as a result of rape๐Ÿคท‍♀️..No..you don't...so why are we always pointing fingers..why!?

You see ba!!!.we have to acknowledge the fact that  we all have insecurities and often times we project our perceptions our insecurities unto people around us.We start to believe our assumptions than the reality.Note this!!We do not see things as they are,we see things as we are!! Did you hear that??....did you read that well.? WE DO NOT SEE THINGS AS THEY ARE WE SEE THINGS AS WE ARE!!!๐Ÿค— !
MATT 7:1-5, talks on judging others.you can only judge or remove the plank from other people's eyes when you have removed yours! Now adays we Christians judge religiously!๐Ÿ™„..ekiss me ma/sir.Don't you think it's high time we let go of this religion? Religion is not of God....religion is man made!! Kai!!! Why do we judge people religiously...thinking we are better than them!! Hehe...I laugh in spanish! You might not like the way am saying this but the judgment  we make on people cause a lot of damages to their soul...especially when we don't know the whole story on the "why" it happened the way it did.Listen!! There is difference between judging people religiously and Helping by the holy spirit.John 8:1-11.In this passage Of the woman caught in the act of adultery.Jesus handled the situation with truth and love and understanding!He didn't say what she did was right,he said go and sin no more while others wanted killing her because of the speck in her eyes...hmm mm...why are we too quick to judge? You never know what pushed that your school mate to dealing drugs or into prostitution or better still anything bad.You don't know why people behave in a certain way.The only thing I think we owe people is love...just love...the Bible said that the love of christ has been shade abroad in our hearts!! Had a fight recently with someone I knew quite alright I was right not wrong...to let peace reign I went to apologize!! Cos of that love! After apologizing...she started giving me attitude!! I did nothing at that period than to pray and love her...so when she pissed me off...I couldn't revenge or retaliate cos she's someone I pray for Every night!! Why should I fight with someone I pray for or hurt someone that I pray for every day...I decided not to look at that speck that was there!! I loved and cared for her through those moments and later she came to apologize!! I didn't judge her!! What I did was to handle the case with love and understanding!! And any time I look back to how the whole thing ended I feel happy that I didn't behave otherwise!!Lols...you owe nobody nothing except Love!!!.

Some people judge others aggressively,with anger and without understanding!! When we do this,its Usually from our flesh and not our spirit.Do not judge until you have gained a lot of information on the situation if you would want to point a finger๐Ÿ™„!Do not jump to conclusion..do not make assumptions without seeing the whole picture.Romans 2:1 Imagine a parent punished Her child for using abusive words but often use abusive words on her husband.self righteous judgment is wrong.
LUKE 18:9-14
I leave you with this!!!!thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020



Diligence is the desire and determination to do a task well without regard to discouragement (irrespective of having failed previously)
Irrespective of the closeness and relationship we think we have with God,when we are not diligent in the work laid in our hands,we will fail God and eventually lack.
Our ability to carry out the work He has assigned us effectively till it becomes a success is what attracts God's blessings and great rewards
Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
Also, Proverbs 6:6-11 is asking the undiligent to go to the ant and learn.
Imagine how slothful one would have become and then be asked to consider the ways of the ant. The ant works without even being compelled to, gathering food for themselves and building their homes.
Vs 9,10 Can we say we are working yet, sleeping a while and slumbering.... When we do this, poverty and lack definitely creep in.
Another story I'll like us to consider is the parable of  talents in Mathew 25:14-30. Out of the three, two were able to work on that which was given to them and they made profits. The third fellow thought there was nothing he could do,he had no determination nor made effort to work on that which was given to him. And at the end, he was left with nothing.
One good thing about being diligent is that the end result is always prosperity and abundance.
Proverbs 10:4 He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.
The Ants eventually got what to eat always and won't die of hunger.

The Faithful servants got rewards for carrying out their work well.
Mind you,they had challenges,even while carrying out their various tasks, but these challenges were not remembered because their determination,unslothful attitude and neglect to discouragement made them successful in what they did.
Permit me to ask you, How deligent are you? Especially in the Work of the father. How determined/Focused are you to do the work of the master well?
Or you're still on Yet A little sleep, a little slumber....a little folding of arms together.

Sunday, August 2, 2020



And so recently I have noticed how we are gradually deviating from God's actual plan and purpose for us on Earth.
Because you are good at something doesn't mean that it is God's place for you,it's just an addition to your abilities in carrying out his work.

I noticed people this days rush into writing a book simply because they've gotten many good comments, God's actual purpose might be for your writing hands to change lives,so in the process of writing,one begins to write things that will catch people's attention and please their heart.
We Ought to please God rather than men

You can be a teacher and yet a great farmer,this doesn't mean since there is bountiful harvest which when sold yields much profit,you can now leave God's actual purpose of being a teacher.

Some of us would rather want to do things where we will be well noticed and known,where we get instant rewards and can mingle with others rather than hiding somewhere in a village as a missionary.

Many people are actually not satisfied with the position God has placed them,they feel things are moving too slow and are not working as they ought to based on their desire. So in search for a better offer,they switch to something else they feel they can do and without God, the end result will be bad.

wow! This seems so funny but interesting. Infact,it's a disease. When one is lacks knowledge of what God has in store for them,they keep running about,infact they will keep doing good,yet there won't be any profit or fruit to show forth. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord,plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future. We need to dig into the word of God and be aware of His plans for us.

As Christians, we carry the grace of multi tasking,it's a gift from God. Philippians 4:13 For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So don't be surprised when you see yourself performing excellently in many areas.

Looking into the life of David, He was Shepherd, A Fighter, A king and yet was tagged Chief Musician.
His Music Life didn't stop Him from carrying out His purpose on Earth ordained by God.

So we should be careful how we tend to run after things simply because we feel and think we can do them. They might not be God's actual place for us.
It will therefore be so bad to those who say there's nothing I can do while in the actual sense we are embedded with the Ability to multi function .
Our abilities to perform well in many ways are bonuses to us.

Saturday, August 1, 2020



Many Christians have reached a point emotionally where they feel as though they have been stripped of their armour. They have been beaten to pulp. They have been chained and are being dragged behind the devil's chariot as his spoils of war.
We should experience the Truth of being "more than conquerors"
Romans  8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
The Great power and Authority we see in the life of Jesus is the same we've been given. He gave us the Keys of the Kingdom. 
If we understand that we abide in Him which also means we abide in His power Authority and finished work. Then our striving would be different. We are not striving for victory, we are striving from Victory. ~Jonathan welton

Our ability to establish, enforce and maintain Christ's victory is depending on the fact that we obey Him that way aligning ourselves to His plans and purposes.
"kingdom greatness is God doing something through you". This is only possible if you align yourself to His will.
" Did you know that although believers are in the chariot with Jesus some converse more with the devil obeying him more".
He lies to them and they believe, that's why many are afflicted today though they be Christians.

Disobedience has caused that over the years walking with God is no longer popular.
Note this it's either you're obeying God or you're heeding to satan's voice.
The sole aim of God lifting men is to propagate His kingdom advancement Agenda.
The sole aim of satan's lies is that we eventually loose our place in God and end up with him.
There's a point of disobedience where you loose your ability to believe God's saving grace which is our seal of Salvation, this point for one may be just from one disobedience and for another tons of disobedience the point is you should know one can disobey to the point where you loose your ability to believe in the grace that brings Salvation(may we never get there).
Obeying God is a matter of utmost importance the effects of your disobedience may not be too visible initially but don't tarry there pls for the more you do the more likely hood of God's voice diminishing over you, the further away you are from achieving greatness, the more you disobey the more clearer satan's voice (words) will be to you, and the more prone you are to obey fulfilling satan's mandate.
God help me Obey.

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FAITH ;MARK 5,HEBREWS 11:11,IKINGS 17:21-24 ________________________ FAITH MEANS trust or confidence in someone or something.In ...