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Saturday, May 2, 2020


Prayer supplements

Prayer Supplements
Supplements are things added to something in order to enhance or complete it. 
In today's case the thing being enhanced or completed is prayer. 
It is true sometimes that our Bodies don't receive sufficient nutrients from the food we eat and thus we are advised to supplement our food for more efficacy, so it is in prayer their are something's prayer alone cannot work for "This kind goeth not except by PRAYER and... "
Even though it is said prayer is the master key, true, but that prayer must be supplemented accordingly.

when you know the area of nutrient deficiency you'll know which supplement to get in place, so also if you know the type of prayer enterprise you're on you'll know which supplement to apply.

let me talk about two out of the many prayer supplements there are.

1. Prayer and The Word. (Acts 6:4)
Acts  6:4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.

For Me the word is the greatest supplement of prayer, such that every other supplement is based upon the word of God. The word is God's basis of intervention 
It is the implementation of the word that brings results ( it was after God sent forth His word that their diseases were healed).
Scripture tells us God honours His word more than His name and His word have never failed even if Heaven and earth will pass away the word remains.
Permit me to add, this word I speak of is not just Scripture (although Scripture is one way the word of God is communicated, by the Holy Spirit) the word is that which is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. You don't decide how He communicates it to you, He decides that, yours is to be open at all times and He'll communicate God's word to you through any walk of life.

2. Prayer and Fasting. (Mark 9:29)
Mark  9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

fasting is another great supplement of prayer in fasting your physical strength is drained that your sensitivity and perception be heightened. 
fasting profits one much more when done in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. 
Note. fasting doesn't help God answer your prayers rather fasting helps you to be in a more receptive state to receive from God. 
Also as we see in the above Scripture helps establish one in faith.

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