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Thursday, July 30, 2020


Obedience Two (2)

Obedience series 2
Second Reason why we fail to obey I like to talk about is
Love John 14:15
“Our inability to obey God’s word is proving we don’t Love Him enough”.
1John 2:15 says
Love not the world or the thing in the world, if anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him.
Jesus in the Gospels talked about two commands that sum up all the Laws and the Prophets which both emphasized the matter of Love.
Perhaps your Love for has sank deep as it should and that’s why God is yet to secure your commitment to obey Him.
“The more love you have for God the lesser entanglements you’ll have with the world”.
The final reason I’d talk about in this piece is a bit complicated. Captured in Romans 7:14-20
Long reading so I’d paraphrase
Paul speaking said that which he doesn’t want to do he finds himself doing, reason being the sin that dwelleth inside him.
“When you do something consistently over a period of time spirits are deployed to aid you with straight to continue, if that thing is consistent with God a spirit from God is deployed, if it is consistent with evil an evil spirit is deployed. Sometimes you don’t even need to be consistent to receive spirit aid at times all it takes is on attempt, Paul is saying he wants to obey God but by certain compulsions he finds himself doing contrary. For some genuinely you want to obey, genuinely you want a walk with God but by some certain compulsion you find yourself doing contrary.
Romans  8:10 
And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.  8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
This shows us our bodies are already dead given to sin yielding to it and its ways leading to death, if we must be alive in God we must yield to the Spirit. The spirit that raised Jesus from the dead can quicken us to live up the life in the spirit which includes apt obedience to God.
Romans 8:13 Establishes this better “Ye shall die if ye live after flesh, but through the spirit you mortify the works of the body”, not necessarily sin but all those things that are enmity to your progression in God like I earlier stated it still could be sin for some, for others it be good old sleep or lasciviousness etc.
“God is supreme but not a dictator, our ability to willingly obey Him is our seal of Greatness”

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Obedience one(1)

"The best kind of sacrifice is a sacrifice of Obedience". 
1Samuel 15:12-23
Dictionary defines Obedience as willingness to comply with the commands, orders, or instructions of those in Authority.
To us who have been separated from the world ultimately we comply to God and our Obedience is solely to Him who is our commanding officer 
2 Timothy  2:4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
* One great reason as to why we fail to obey God often times is because we are too entangled with this world, having lascivious appetites running our life's  barely having strength to keep up with God. So deeply caught/cut by the web of this world so much so that even when our Spirit is willing the flesh is too weak to fight these entanglements and stand with God.
Some common Civilian activities we are so deeply entangled with are:- sleep, food(gluttony), watching movies, Games, football, fashion, social media to mention just few (Father deliver us in Jesus name) Now these things grip us and choke God out of our life's. 
To be continued subsequently... 


*In a simple term, obedience simply means to do as being ordered,to do what one has been asked to do*
*God delights in our obedience, 1st Samuel 15:22 reads NIV:But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.*
*Christ humled himself and became obedient to death Philippians 2:8 and as an expression of our love for Him,we must keep to the words of his Father John 14:24*
*One of the dangerous implication of disobedience is that it can affect many and lead to death(1st Corinthians 15:22). Just your disobedience, just my disobedience will affect others*
*Romans 5:19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous*
*And the greatest joy of obedience is that it gives life with prolonged days on Earth Deutronomy 5:33 and it attracts countless Blessings. Deutronomy 28:1-2*
*A simple obedience attracts great blessings just in the case of Simon Peter and his partners James and John who had toiled all night,eventually,they didn't just catch plenty fishes,they were made fishers of men Luke 5:1-11*
*Obedience makes us closer to God we become more eager to hear from Him*
*God will make you and I obedient always*

Follow us as we look into Obedience
On the

Monday, July 27, 2020



I tag forgiveness as the true joy of living!.We gonna look into the story of the prodigal son,the greatest forgiveness parable of all which is from Luke 15:11-32.The bible made us understand here that the second son demanded for his share of property and it was given him, he went out of the country and spent the whole money.he was then left with nothing.He started taking care of pigs to earn a living but one day a thought came to him.The bible says"at last he came back to his senses and said,all my fathers hired workers have more than they can eat,and here i am about to starve,i will get up and go to my father and say,i have sinned against God and you,i am no longer fit to be your son"after thinking all these the bible says that he got up and started back to his father and we all know how it all ended,The bible says that while he was long way from home when his father saw him note,first his heart was filled with pity,then ran to wrap his arm around him and kissed him!.One thing i understand from this scripture is that it takes humility to forgive.We have to humble ourselves to forgive!Right?!!!

But What is Forgiveness?
 It is the act of letting go,the act of pardoning an offender! Forgiveness is not an emotion oh...naa...dont get it mixed up.Forgiveness is a conscious deliberate decision to let go of that incident that caused you pain.Come to think of it...the pain and hurt that people cause us is real and great..very real...ahh but the pain and trauma of living with bitterness and unforgiveness can be poisonous...infact it is poisonous! Hope ya hearing me😀.not forgiving can destroy your soul!!and i dont think you want to take the matter of your soul for a joke..haha! When we forgive we are not actually saying that the people that caused the pian are right instead we are releasing them to God and letting go of its holf on us.We are doing ourselve favour when we forgive.Right?!!hmmm

Another scripture i want to point out is matt 18:21-35 the parable of the unforgiving servant.Please permit me to say that unforgiveness causes a lot of damage.The fact that God forgave/forgives our transgressionss no matter what should be the force pushing us toward having a forgiving heart.I understand forgiveness is not forgetting...its a decision to let go.God forgave you so reciprocate this act of showing mercy and love by forgiving others.We were given full forgiveness of our sins  because of the death and resurrection of Christ.To show that you are gratefull to God for all the price paid....RecipRocate.From Luke17:3-4,forgiving is a command and it must be obeyed.Theres a reward for obedience and also a consequence for disobeying! A command is meant to be obeyed no matter the inconvience.
How can we forgive
-Remember what forgiveness involves.Like i said before we are not condoning the wrong or acting like it never happened .We are simply letting go.
-Recognizing the benefits of forgiving.Forgiving and letting go of resentment can help in increasing your health and gives you peace of mind.proverb 14:30,Matt 5:9.Forgiving others is the key to receiving Gods forgiveness which is more important
-Recognize that people are not perfect.we have our imperfections.James 3:2
-Be reasonable and tolerating.Dont just act.Continue putting up with one another Colossians 3:13
-Forgive as soon as you can.Eph4:26,27When life hits us hard,there is nothing as effective as forgiveness for healing deep wounds.Forgiveness is extending mercy and goodness to people.YOU CAN BECOME FORGIVINGLY FIT😀...only by consciously deliberately consistently practicing forgiveness.Have a forgiving heart.it helps you be on a right track with God.Understand that every person is unique,special and irreplaceable.
   When forgiveness is hard,call on other strenghts.If you see yourself struggling with forgiveness call upon people who are wise to help and support.

Yours truly

Saturday, July 25, 2020


PRAYER: Give us this Day our Daily Bread

PRAYER: Give us this Day our Daily Bread
Matthew  6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.  6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
"Give us this day our daily bread".
So much to draw from this piece 

"Give us this day" is indicative of the fact that you know it is in God's possession and Power to Give, the Bible calls Him the one who owns cattle on a thousand hills, "providing for us has never been hard for God, He's only limited in providing when we're out of alignment".
If you also take note in the order of verses our personal needs come only after God's will is done and after His kingdom is prevailing over our lives.
This is one great reason why many of us see very little results in prayers, we have no regards whatsoever to God's will for us not to talk of Establishing His purposes upon the earth yet we want God to take full responsibility of our needs.
" Our needs are met automatically on our path of Establishing God's kingdom first".
"Jesus said seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added  unto you".
" This day" in the verse depicts a great level of faith which is needed if we must obtain anything from God. This day not tomorrow not some other time but God can meet the need this day. 
No Plan B's no fail safes but wholly believing on God and it'd come to pass "This day".

PRAYER: Anditionals
"AND forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

" AND lead us not into temptation " is an easier PRAYER than deliver us from Evil " My father would often tell me while I was much younger.
"For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the Glory for ever. Amen".
Finally to make the most of any prayer you must know it's not by flesh lest any man should boast. 
It's all about God, The kingdom is the central focus and it's God's.
The power gets things done, brings results, establishes the Kingdom it's ultimately God's.
The Glory a seal of God Himself all of it belongs to Him exclusively and if we must partake of it we must align to Him wholly.

Saturday, July 18, 2020


PRAYER:Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done

When we look intently through Scriptures we'll see the kind of ruler God is. He's not a president, nor a prime minister but He's a king having this in mind alone should affect your approach towards Him. 
As it so happens there are so many Kings operating through the multi-verse but all ultimately report and serve God directly or indirectly they're all His functionaries doing His bidding thus earned Him Title King Of Kings.
As every other King should God has a kingdom which He wants to come. Just as His kingdom in Heaven is He wants the earth to operate, function and be structured just as it is in Heaven that the earth would be an extension of His Kingdom in Heaven.
God wants His systems of operation to thrive on earth until they become the default system on earth, now this posses a threat to the already existing world system and that's why the world wouldn't mind to shed it last blood "Just to see God's kingdom not come.
It's on this note we required to stay with God in prayer granting Him permission to successfully establish His kingdom in our hearts, family, environment, community even the world at large. 
understanding prayer to this end will profit all our prayer life's and enterprise tremendously.

PRAYER: Hallowed Be Thy Name


The Name's of God are the richest form of testimony and revelation of whom God is, Remember the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy 

To hallow is to reverence to follow with Holy fear and Jealousy
So one can look intently at the Names of God Hallowing them that one can uncover the dimensions of God they carry, Yes one can Hallow Jehovah Ralpha and then experience God as Healer.
Apostle Joshua Selma would say "It is the responsibility of every Generation to work in the dimensions of God already captured before then in His names, it is also their responsibility to find and establish new names of God during their life times.
I hold the position of Prayer coordinator in a small fellowship where I serve in Kaduna state, well first Mondays of every month are dedicated to prayers, being prayer coordinator that's my jurisdiction. one faithful first Monday sometime 2019 I was at work when God told me to be at our meeting ground by 5pm and pray preparing the ground for the prayers that is to start proper by 6pm our ideal time.
well it so happened that I couldn't wiggle my way out of work until about 20 mins past 5 PM  twas terrible, I was sober and I scrambled just meet up with the ideal time for the meeting
on my way I said a simple word of prayer " Lord help me be there on time" something like that 
I got to our meeting ground and no one was around beautiful so I began praying, I prayed for about 30mins but yet, still no one came by my deduction time should be way past 6pm by now so I picked the same device I used to check time earlier and the time read 5:10 PM or so 
I know my testimony is hard to swallow but that day I discovered God with a new: Jehovah Tempus (Se'ason) God of all times.
And this happened more times in my walk with God.


PRAYER: Our Father who art in Heaven

whilst Praying you must acknowledge the person you're Praying to is your Father, one Beyound comparison to our ever compromising and imperfect fathers on earth, Even to the best lot of them.
Secondly you must understand that this our father is domiciled on a pedestal higher than ours so if our Prayers must reach Him we must be able to channel our prayers Heavenward in codings Heaven can understand. Where as on earth we communicate with words, what Heaven receives is the Incense our words produce.
"The potency of the Incense we produce is determined by some variables like our seriousness, sincerity and stature".


The Prayer Series


Matthew  6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
"And WHEN thou prayest", not like when you decide to pray but when it's time to pray signifying that Prayer is not subject to conditions, you don't just pray if you feel like to pray then decide not to if don't feel like it. No you pray when it is the right time to pray, my joy is " Every time is the right time to pray, every moment the best moment to pray.
So when thou prayest it says don't do it as the hypocrites do 
seeing that hypocritic ways robs off you rather than adds to you. 
Hypocritic ways=> 
*They love to pray standing in the synagogue and Street corners, that they may be seen of Men. 
writing will not permit me the luxury of explaining to heart content the implications and applications of synagogue and Street corners Nevertheless the emphasis of them both is that all they do is to be seen by Men. 
The Bible says they have their reward.
you who only pray when in gatherings and meetings or you who prays to make an impression to MAN verily I say unto you the sight of Men and their applause is all your reward. "But when thou prayest, enter into thy closet" 
I believe this statement to be figurative because through Scriptures we've been admonished to Pray always and not faint and like I earlier stated every time is the best time and perfect time to pray. Although there should be set times to lock yourself away and have quality time with God which is good yet still at every point in time we we should be setting our gaze upon God in prayer. The text above then is figurative of our hearts (The birthplace of the hypocrites motive for Praying)
How that always our hearts should be locked on God genuinely, not for show, then that fellowship occurring secretly will accumulate unto us prayer rewards.
A prayer reward is the level of faith, realm of fellowship, Authority and stature given by God to all who discipline themselves to seeking Him. 

* They use vain repetitions, for they think they shall be heard for much speaking.
The question I ask when I get to this scripture is if they're not heard for speaking much what are they then heard for?
I'll tell you, we are heard by heaven for the weight we pull. That's why certain people pray and never see results while some others make one decree and tremendous results follow.
Your prayer is not heard just cause you are Sentimental and Emotional, it is heard by the weight you pull mostly accumulated overtime as a cumulative of the prayer rewards you've received that can tilt Heavens balances to your beckoning.
This series will feature Checks and Balances to successful prayer enterprise.
follow duly.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Renewables 2

Part 2
Second Renewal of strength:- 
Proverbs  24:10 If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.
Isaiah  40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Strength cannot be undermined "For anyone to achieve destiny that one must be strong".
" Everyone starts this journey actually with Small strength but God's expectation is that we thrive and grow our strength".
As I would usually say the way to strength is by waiting. Take a lesson from the Eagle who never faulted in strength because time and again it waits, gazing/staring intently at the sun and regaining it's strength. 
Strength failure ageing limitations are never an Eagles problem because they are always renewing.
So also we believers must wait upon the Lord and mount up with strength like Eagles, remember our gaze must be set on the Lord.
"when you stop renewing your strength you tend to faint at adversity".
This waiting is done in the secret place, not your secret place but the secret place of the most high. Psalm 91:1
It's the secret place of the most high not yours, you think it's your secret place that's why you keep calling the shots and missing God.
Waiting is done in the shadows where all is dark and not making much sense but cling to the leading of the almighty.

Monday, July 6, 2020


Renewables 1


In This series I'd like to talk about two things Scripture encourages us to renew, I'll also try explain why, maybe even add the implications of not renewing.

1. Renewing of the mind
Romans  12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
To the end that
Philippians  2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
The mind(heart) is one very crucial part of a man, Scripture urges us to "Guard it deligently for out of it comes the cares of life". 
" Change begins from the mind". 
so every Christian once used to conform to this world alright but since you're born again you should not longer conform to the world alright but rather be transformed to person of Christ,  this transformation happens only by the renewing of your mind.
Your mind would be purged of all it's constituents (it's believes, knowledge, pleasures etc.)
And as Paul counselled you'll gain in you the very mind of Christ. 
The mind which was in Christ Jesus is a mind in total subjection and submission to God.
"I know you have the mind of Christ when I see your submission and subjection to God".
If use KJV rendering of Romans 12:2 you'll that the word used is " Renewing "(Renewing in English language is a present continuous tense) indicative of the fact that The renewing must not end but continually our minds must be renewed.
" The moment you stop renewing your mind you begin to conform to this world ".


Saturday, July 4, 2020


Prayer The Move Of God

Prayer The Move Of God

"Prayer is the move of God, God starts moving When we Pray"
                  ~Evangelist Lawrence Oyor.
Established from the beginning when God created Man was Dominion. The mandate to dominate the earth and subdue it, I love NIV's rendering Gen. 1:26-28
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
:God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
So Adam was calling the Shots for the whole earth God having willed all of it to MAN sort of gave Man the keys to drive the whole world but eventually Man fell short of the standards God has placed Him at, that very moment the whole of creation went haywire, the impact of the fall being grievous on some part of creation than others, For man he lost the help he had the way one can loose a limb in a terrible motor accident
now Man's infirmities were put on display and His insufficiency was pronounced.
God haven willed all Dominion and Authority over the earth to MAN is now handicapped bound by His Justice system not being able to invade the physical realm unless with the permission of Man (This is also true for all Spirits) 
"The area of functionality of spirit is the spiritual realm the area of Man's functionality is the physical realm "
("Also because MAN is Spirit, Soul and Body Man happens to be the only Being able to interface with both the Spirit realm and the Physical realm ")
That's what qualifies MAN To stand and make an edge between the spiritual realm and the Physical.
so you find God saying through Scriptures " I sought for a man who will stand in the gap" and give God sufficient permissions to invade the earth realm and bring His purposes to accomplishment .
"So Prayer is beyond just communicating with God, It is also a means of granting God sufficient witness to tilt the balances of the earth bringing His plans and purposes to pass".

" As God's kingdom functionary it is our sole responsibility to stand in the gap granting God access to invade the earth through prayer".

Thursday, July 2, 2020


Dressing the Controversial Bit.

The Controversial Bit

The controversial issues I said I'd talk about sourced from the book of 
Deuteronomy  22:5  
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
if you read through the chapter you'll discover that all the instructions there were peculiar to their culture and practices then.
Some groups of Bible scholar's established after thorough research that the context that script was written in, greatly differs from our perception of it.
In that research they also made known that the reason why that very instruction was issued was because then Men entering the Jewish temple must pay taxes women and children don't, the men then  devised means to avoid taxes by dressing as women then slipping into the temple unnoticed.
The practice in itself was evil so that command was issued.
If this be true or not I don't know for sure.
using this very Scripture thou in our day and time a massive onslaught has been launched by many against ladies who wear trousers especially. we often fail to remember what we call Men clothing is women's clothing somewhere else vice versa, here in Nigeria don't our fathers tie wrappers in some culture's?
It's funny how we turned a blind eye all of a sudden tagging trousers Men's clothing while several years back we don't even know what trousers are and now if a woman wears one no matter how decent and modest it is we call it sin.
A woman who is comfortable in trousers can wear one if it's not SEDUCTIVE OR SUGGESTIVE.
The only reason why it would be a sin is if God has instructed her not to. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Dressing 2

Dressing 2

Second hard and fast rule
Don't dress Suggestively
Suggestive in the sense that you dress to say something or to give Man a certain impression.
Dressing was initiated to cover Man's nakedness but nowadays people Dress just to prove a point, some Dress to show they're of a certain Class, others Dress to compete with others, to show they've arrived, some others now Dress consciously decent but with the intention that someone will see them and think of them as spiritual, I've even heard a lady say she wants to Dress to kill.
The question now is why do you Dress the way you do?
Having in view Dressing well, good and nice to God's glory is good appearing nice is good with no ulterior motive.
So while you're busy aligning that hairstyle so that everyone would notice you ask yourself does Heaven notice me?
while you are buying the diamond earrings and Golden watches so people will acknowledge you've attained financial affluence remember you are not  here to please anyone but to please God your commanding officer. 
2 Timothy  2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  2:4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
Still to be continued...

Dressing 1

Dressing 1

In this series I'll talk extensively on the two hard and fast rules partianing dressing I've found in Scriptures
there may be more oo but these are the two I've found and have been permitted to write bout.
Also I'd seized this opportunity to address one controversial issue about dressing that has lingered in the body of Christ.
First hard Rule of Dressing I want to talk about is located in the book of Proverbs chapter Seven
I would advise you read through the chapter but my emphasis is vs 10
The woman with the Attire of Harlot's.
so the first hard and fast rule I'd be addressing is the Harlot's Attire mode of Dressing or as I'll term it Seductive dressing
Don't Dress Seductively.
applicable to both Men and women.
A Harlot's Attire is the business attire she uses to reel in customers, the commodity on sale is her body, for her to get more sales she needs to flaunt what she's selling there by showing off her body down to the most sensitive parts. 
All I'm saying in a nutshell is your dressing should not provoke lust, conceal all concealable under God.
It's good to look good, to appear nice but in doing so ensure you check if you're flaunting anything or showcasing any part of your body to secure opposite lustful attractions, make sure you're not doing the work of a harlot. 
I sound ancient on this piece (lol) you may not like the words but live them they'll bring liberation your way.
to be continued...
Sorry this piece is really short, I would have made just one piece containing the two hard and fast rules but ion have time to type today. Bear with me ko

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FAITH ;MARK 5,HEBREWS 11:11,IKINGS 17:21-24 ________________________ FAITH MEANS trust or confidence in someone or something.In ...